
Strategic Plan


Archbishop Riordan High School, an Archdiocesan Catholic High School in the Marianist tradition, prepares young men and women for leadership and lifelong success by providing education imbued with Catholic Marianist values of faith, community, inclusivity, service and justice through its rigorous college preparatory curriculum, house system, and co-curricular activities.










Educate men and women to engage the world with thoughtful reason and compassion, striving for positive change based on Catholic values. Bring to life Catholic values in our students through a rich Marianist educational environment built around the Characteristics of a Marianist Education (CME):

  • Preserve and grow the inclusive sense of community which Archbishop Riordan has created, ensuring that it reaches out to the new members of the Archbishop Riordan family, including students, faculty, and families. 
  • Create a positive learning environment by staffing and building a faculty which models Maranist Characteristics in and out of the classroom and supports their development through regular feedback. 
  • Incorporate service learning into our educational programs in order to actualize the teachings of Christ now and in the future. 
  • Develop a curriculum which educates the whole student - intellectually, spiritually, and socially - so that they become men and women of service, justice, and peace in a rapidly changing world. 
  • Ensure all students have opportunities to access retreats and similar programs which allow them to better understand themselves and their faith. 


Empower students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be lifelong learners and agents of positive change through an inclusive, adaptive, and rigorous academic system. 

Educate all students to:

  • Engage others with empathy in the Marianist Family Spirit 
  • Think critically 
  • Communicate clearly and effectively 
  • Cooperate effectively in a diverse environment 
  • Reflect and see themselves honestly and with a mindset for growth and change 
  • Create a vision of their future and take the steps necessary to achieve it 

Measure the progress and success of Archbishop Riordan students through the following: 

  • College acceptances and matriculation 
  • Exit Interviews 
  • Senior Portfolio 
  • Student evaluations 
  • WASC/WCEA E3 Reports 
  • In-house academic data 
  • Yearly parent satisfaction survey 

Achieve a fully aligned skills-based curriculum within a healthy learning environment by incorporating the following: 

  • Characteristics of Marianist Education
  • Skills based teaching, learning, and assessment
  • Diverse, rigorous, and inclusive set of academic offerings 
  • Social-emotional learning 

Optimize the following signature programs through evaluation and analysis so that they remain competitive while serving our mission and our diverse student body: 

  • Resource Specialist Program (RSP)
  • Biomedical Science Program 
  • Engineering Program 


Develop a supportive community that allows our diverse student body to explore and develop their passions through programs and opportunities that adapt to their needs and empower them to become collaborative, compassionate and responsible members of the greater community. 

  • Adapt, create, and strengthen consistent traditions rooted in the Characteristics of Marianist Education to foster an inclusive sense of community, in light of the growing student population and transition to coeducation. 
  • Evaluate the student experience regularly by creating a strategic and consistent process for gathering feedback and implementing the adjustments needed to provide a personalized Archbishop Riordan journey for all students. 
  • Increase mentorship and leadership opportunities within the community across all student co-curricular activities, including the House System, Student Parliament, Athletics and Student Clubs. 


Provide and sustain the resources, support, and structures necessary to thrive as a school. 

  • Continue to grow the successful partnership between Admissions Team and Finance Office in the areas of enrollment management and tuition assistance, and to the extent possible, bring tuition assistance levels closer to market norms, while also staying true to the school's mission. 
  • Build a culture of philanthropy by evolving the work of the Board of Trustees and the Advancement Department to include not only robust fundraising but also a broader focus on deepening donor engagement, connecting to new donors, and advancing the overall mission of the school. 
  • Create and utilize a financial planning model that takes into account the following factors: 
    • Inflation rate/Collective Bargaining Agreement 
    • Enrollment targets 
    • Financial aid 
    • Optimal staffing levels 
    • Capital improvement plans 


Provide students, faculty and staff with the best learning and work environments and ensure that all members of our school community will have the infrastructure needed to conduct their work at the highest level. 

  • Expand and repurpose school facilities to meet the demands of a growing school population, with an emphasis on meeting the needs of our school's transition and coeducation. 
  • Enhance and remodel current learning and work environments to better meet the. needs of the school's evolving educational programs and changing needs, with an eye towards enhanced design and aesthetics. 
  • Build out a technology infrastructure capable of supporting the growth of our school, particularly in light of our student enrollment increase, that will complement and enhance the learning and teaching experience. 
  • Develop a comprehensive Facilities Master Plan.


Develop enrollment management and marketing strategies that support the school's strategic priorities through compelling and authentic messaging that reaches and expands the growing number of students enrolling at Archbishop Riordan. 

  • Increase overall awareness of Archbishop Riordan through collaboration with a partner elementary schools and programs. 
  • Grow and enhance our summer programs, winter camps, and other outreach activities with partner schools and programs. 
  • Establish marketing and communications strategies for our programs and departments that effectively reach prospective families and compliment the community discussion establishing Archbishop Riordan as a top-choice destination. 
  • Diversify communication channels for current and prospective families to access information about Archbishop Riordan, particularly through digital channels, while maintaining the personal touch that differentiates the Archbishop Riordan journey from other schools. 
  • Optimize our international student boarding program through a comprehensive analysis to ensure that the program is serving the school's mission as well as the enrollment and financial goals.