
Rich Ting '98 From Scholar-Athlete to Lead Actor

Rich Ting - Football Group Picture
Rich Ting - Man in the High Castle
Rich Ting - Netflix


Rich Ting ‘98 recently shared his journey from Riordan to Hollywood - going from quarterback of the varsity football team and a forward on the varsity basketball team, to Hollywood and lead roles on the small and big screens.

After graduating, Ting went on to pursue my lifelong goal of playing Division I collegiate football at Yale University, where he earned my B.A. degree in History. Inspired by his video production classes at Riordan, Ting pursued a job at ESPN headquarters in Bristol, CT following his graduation from Yale. He then earned a dual J.D. & M.B.A. degrees at William S. Richardson School of Law and the Shilder College of Business Administration both from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. After returning to California to pursue a law firm job in Downtown Los Angeles, Ting had an opportunity to act in a Warner Brothers film and decided to switch career paths and pursue his second lifelong dream of being an actor in Hollywood.

To date, I am most proud of my role as ‘Bolo’ in the HBO Max drama series, Warrior, which is based on the writings of Bruce Lee. The series takes place in the late 1880s in San Francisco, and I could not be more humbled and honored to represent a local kid from the Bay Area in a Hollywood series written by the martial legend himself. Other projects of mine include: Lone Survivor, Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle, FX’s The Old Man, NBC’s Chicago P.D., CBS’s NCIS: Los Angeles, Paramount’s Waco, CW’s Supergirl, and CBS’s Magnum P.I.

Currently, you can watch Ting on Season One of Netflix’s Partner Track, and he will also be appearing in Apple’s new series, Hello Tomorrow! premiering later this year. You can follow Ting on social media @RichTingWorld.

As Ting takes a look back at his time throughout Riordan, he reflects on the impact his Crusader experience has on shaping him who he is today. Let’s read more about Ting’s journey! You can find Ting on all social media platforms @RichTingWorld.

Q: How did your experience at Riordan shape who you are today? 

A: While a student at Riordan, I learned the importance and significance of being an accountable and responsible human being. The skills and abilities that my teachers, coaches, and faculty stressed throughout my time in the classroom and on the athletic playing fields not only prepared me for college but also established a foundation of faith and respect that would continue to affect me to the present day. Whether it was being on time for class, completing my homework assignments, or having the ability to adjust and adapt to changing environments, I truly believe that the values and morals that Archbishop Riordan High School are founded upon not only contributed to shaping the person I am today but have also allowed me to succeed and persevere through the various adversities that life presents.

Q: Are there specific extra curricular activities you were involved in that you carry those experiences with you today?

A: During my senior year at Riordan, I played on the football team and basketball team, making it to the CIF CCS playoffs in both sports. Having had the opportunity to play for Coach Peralta (football) and Coach Forslund (basketball), the lessons I learned on the field and court about being accountable to my team, working together as a cohesive unit striving towards a common goal, and having trust in my fellow teammates and coaches have continued to influence me in my current life and career. I apply the “team” mentality to everything that I do and am grateful for all of the experiences that I had with my teammates and coaches. Whether it was summer workouts, lunchtime meetings, pregame rituals, or postgame celebrations, the numerous memories of my high school athletic career have been by far some of the most impactful and significant times of my life. I often find myself smiling as I reminisce about all of those times on and off the field with my friends and family.

Q: What advice would you give to a student who is interested in getting more involved in Riordan activities and athletics?

Rich Ting - Quarterback Passing the Ball

A: I would definitely encourage any student to become more involved in Riordan activities and athletics. Because we have such a strong history in both athletics and the arts, I would recommend every student to take advantage of the resources and opportunities that Riordan provides its student body. I can honestly say from my own experiences that the bonds and relationships that are made on the playing fields last a lifetime. Ironically, some of my most memorable moments in high school are not winning or celebrating victories but rather those times we were trailing behind in a game, and we were able to come together to persevere through that adversity. Having that trust and camaraderie with your fellow peers is something you can only experience and achieve through athletics and extracurricular activities. 

Q: What advice would you give current or incoming students about making the most of their time at Riordan?

A: Similar to my answer in the previous question, I would encourage current and incoming students to take complete advantage of the activities and athletics that Riordan provides its students. There is no experience like your time in high school and what better way to memorialize your four years than by competing in sports or performing in the arts. Riordan’s faculty and staff provide its students with a safe and trustworthy environment that allows us to pursue our interests outside the classroom. Again, I would definitely encourage all current and incoming students to pursue their passions whether that be in the academic, athletic, or artistic worlds.

Q: Who was your favorite teacher and why?

Honestly, I cannot say that I only had one favorite teacher during my time at Riordan. Whether it was my math class with Mr. Rosa or my video production class with Mr. Nelson, I am grateful for all of the teachers that I was able to have and learn from. However, if I had to pick one, I would say that it was always a pleasure to start each day off with Mr. Shermantine in my Human Anatomy class. “Mr. Sherm,” as we called him, was always ready to go bright and early for our first period class. His energy and enthusiasm were definitely contagious, and his overall style of conducting his classes made it not only fun but also very conducive in learning about the anatomy and physiology of the human body. It was an absolute pleasure to be one of Mr. Sherm’s students, and I sincerely thank him for all of his time, dedication, and commitment to our class.

Q: Is there anything you want to add or share that is important for the Riordan community to know? 

Rich Ting - Supergirl

After graduating from Riordan, I went on to pursue my lifelong goal of playing Division I collegiate football at Yale University, where I earned my B.A. degree in History. Inspired by my video production classes in high school, I pursued a job at ESPN headquarters in Bristol, CT following my graduation from Yale. I then went on to achieve my dual J.D. & M.B.A. degrees at William S. Richardson School of Law and the Shilder College of Business Administration both at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. After returning to California to pursue a law firm job in Downtown Los Angeles, I had an opportunity to act in a Warner Brothers film and decided to switch career paths and pursue my second lifelong dream of being an actor in Hollywood.

To date, I am most proud of my role as ‘Bolo’ in the HBO Max drama series, Warrior, which is based on the writings of Bruce Lee. The series takes place in the late 1880s in San Francisco, and I could not be more humbled and honored to represent a local kid from the Bay Area in a Hollywood series written by the martial legend himself. Other projects of mine include: Lone Survivor, Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle, FX’s The Old Man, NBC’s Chicago P.D., CBS’s NCIS: Los Angeles, Paramount’s Waco, CW’s Supergirl, and CBS’s Magnum P.I.

Rich Ting in Partner Track on Netflix

Currently, you can watch me on Season One of Netflix’s Partner Track. I will also be appearing in Apple’s new series, Hello Tomorrow!, premiering later this year.